AI 배터리4 [IJETAE-2022] State of Charge Prediction of Lead Acid Battery using Transformer Neural Network for Solar Smart Dome 4.0 논문 전문 : [출처] ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. [논문 요약] State of Charge Prediction of Lead Acid Battery using Transformer Neural Network for Solar Smart Dome 4.0 Transformer를 사용해서 SOC를 추정하는 논문입니다. 지극히 개인적으로 생각하기에, 학술적인 가치가 있다고 보긴 힘듭니다. 그냥 Regression할때 Transformer를 쓴것말고는 아무 기술적 차이가 없기때문입니다. 그럼.. 2023. 11. 29. [CVPR-2021] Transfer Learning and Vision Transformer based State-of-Health prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries 논문 전문 : [출처] ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. [논문 요약] Transfer Learning and Vision Transformer based State-of-Health prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries 재미있게도 이 논문은 Vision에 관한것이 아닌데도 CVPR에 투고된 논문입니다. Vision Transformer를 쓴다는 이유때문인것같은데.. 혹은 Pattern Recognition이라서인가... 사실 Pattern Rec.. 2023. 11. 27. [MDPI-2023] Hybrid Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery : Physics-Informed Neural Network for Battery State Estimation 논문 전문 : [출처] Singh S, Ebongue YE, Rezaei S, Birke KP. Hybrid Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery: Physics-Informed Neural Network for Battery State Estimation. Batteries. 2023; 9(6):301. ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. [논문 요약] Hybrid Modeling of Lithium-Ion Battery : Physics-Informe.. 2023. 9. 15. [MDPI-2021] Machine Learning-Based Data-Driven Fault Detection/Diagnosis of Lithium-Ion Battery: A Critical Review 논문 전문 : [출처] Article: Machine Learning-Based Data-Driven Fault Detection/Diagnosis of Lithium-Ion Battery: A Critical Review Authors: by Akash Samanta,Sumana Chowdhuri and Sheldon S. Williamson Link: ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. [논문요약] Machine Learning-Based Data-Driven F.. 2023. 1. 9. 이전 1 다음