Battery Impedance2 [IEEE-2016] Battery Impedance Analysis Considering DC Component in Sinusoidal Ripple-Current Charging 논문 전문 :[출처] S. -Y. Cho, I. -O. Lee, J. -I. Baek and G. -W. Moon, "Battery Impedance Analysis Considering DC Component in Sinusoidal Ripple-Current Charging," in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1561-1573, March 2016, doi: 10.1109/TIE.2015.2497661. ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. .. 2024. 12. 5. [EVS-26] Towards onboard Li-ion battery state-of-health diagnosis by a virtual sensor 논문 전문 : [출처] World Electric Vehicle Journal Vol. 5 - ISSN 2032-6653 ※ The picture and content of this article are from the original paper. [논문 요약] Towards .. 2024. 4. 5. 이전 1 다음